hellow world. wish i could give this blog o’ mine the time it deserves but balancing whatever is hitting me demands less time sweating profusely sitting on the ground in an internet cafe in ketapang, and more time doing less.
just completed one of those times in life where you just live thru it and then it becomes something else. just got back from a long jungle trip to lubak baji, then batu barat, then riam beresap, three places in the gunung pulong national park of indonesia. it was supposed to be 8 days in the rainforest, but it was a lot of layovers and not a lot of time in the actual forest, at least until the end. i was pretty disappointed at various junctures, but just hung in there and kept telling myself when i get back i will do my best to talk to the head of the tour company. which i did. because the tour guide on the last and longest leg, who i bonded w, let me stay at his house and took me to the offices the next day. and after a huge and very interesting case study in everything i have learned up to this point in my life about how to express yourself, including the buddhist training in myanmar and even some recent islamic school of soft knocking in indonesia, i managed to get some people pretty different from me to care about my sitch. i felt love in my heart as i helped them see that i had sort of been misled and sold short. they offered to refund a million rupiah. i told them no, i want to go back into the rainforest uninterrupted for 3 [click to continue…]
So I flew from Bali to Borneo. Kalimantan. Landed in Pontianak, right on the equator. The flight there was hilarious, as we were very delayed in their crappy little airport. There was a guy there who I became friends with, and he ended up being [click to continue…]
Tomorrow morning I fly out of Bali and to Kalimantan, a/k/a Borneo. Weather and other variables permitting, will be visiting Gunung Palung [click to continue…]