Spent part of yesterday at an amazing World Heritage Site called Sigiriya, where almost a couple thousand years ago a dude named Kashyapa killed his father to become king, but his brother also wanted to be king, and between the people still loyal to his dad and the people supporting his brother, he lived the rest of his life in fear. And out of fear, he built the most impressive castle and evildoers’ lair I have ever seen. There is this giant, huge rock outcropping that rises maybe 20 stories or more, and he turned it into his citadel of fear. It’s stunning, beautiful and yet creepy, cuz you know the guy was never really free. He was always looking over his shoulder for when his brother would finally come and try to take it back. Which he did 18 years later. Meanwhile he had 500 wives, the paintings on the walls are pretty lascivious, basically what you would see in a cheezy Miami Mafioso’s house, and so it’s kind of like an ancient Scarface retreat thing. He invented amazing technology to get water up to the very top, (which scientists still can’t figure out) where there’s all kinds of amenities, including a big swimming pool, amazing views, but also kind of a prison, Today heading to the Golden Temple and the Dambulla Caves.
No Happy Man is an Island – A Lesson from Sigiriya
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