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Introducing Momapop

It’s the 10th of January, and I’m in a very interesting geologic formation in Laos, the Bolaven Plateau, which is the remainder of a giant volcanic crater. It has its own animist culture, it’s own crisp, clear, big sky weather, it’s own hundred kilometer wide 1500 meter above sea level caldera surrounded by mountains. Last night I had the pleasure after landing in Tat Lo to spend an evening with Madame Pop, who over the years morphed into Momapop, and over the last few hours into my new friend. Life’s been good and bad to her, and me too!, so we talked about it tonight, and that that’s our philosophy: good _and_ bad. There is but one Internet connection in town, so without wasting a day, through courtesy of it, here’s a moment of Momapop. She also runs one of the best restaurants in the world I have had the culinary delight to sample.

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