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Sending Love from Myanmar

I am learning so much here. I feel a gratitude that can only come from knowing how much I really don’t know. This is a deep, wise, and loving country. There is a soul of humanity that lives here, and there are so few places let on earth like this, that USA capitalism has not corrupted. We so often point the finger, and with great anger too, at Burma, but in terms of total lives lost, total environment destroyed, total human misery created, when we point the finger at them aren’t there 3 fingers pointing at US?

When I talk to people here there is a love connection that I can feel up my whole chakra chain. They still love with a pureness of heart that we don’t really have any more. It’s the love.

So here’s a hello from the heart of Burma, a place like no other on earth. I am in the middle of my trip, and for me, to be in this place, is like a dream come true.

Internet is slow here so I will share more when I return to Bangkok.

Love all; serve all.

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  • Jeanne December 14, 2010, 17:00

    Life is available only in the present moment.
    — Thich Nhat Hanh

    I’m glad you are finding such beauty and joy there and clearly living life in the present moment. Agree with you regarding the blame game re: Burma: the US cannot claim to have clean hands on this matter.

  • shaun December 19, 2010, 11:07

    I remember a rescue mission that required you to climb out the window of a monastery in the Haight about 10 years ago. It’s inspiring to see how far back in you have climbed.

    • healthyone December 21, 2010, 05:37

      wow, you’re right!

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