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Arakan Morning

While in Rakhine State I stayed at the Prince Hotel, a lovely place in a garden setting on the outskirts of the town of Mrauk U. Mrauk U, a most exotic and free spirited realm, is not on most people’s maps, and is fairly well neglected by the Myanmar government. One man told me 90% of the Payas are still buried and slowly being eaten by the earth and the roots of the lush vegetation. Hopefully you can get the feel of it from a little morning time I managed to capture.

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  • Pearliemae January 21, 2011, 16:12

    Love it all, but if you could put a place or date written it would help my mushy brain collate your activities. So good talking to you. xoxo

    • Anonymous January 24, 2011, 15:01

      looking into best way to date and time stamp. great to talk from this end

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